NAGS Members receive ASTM Awards

At the recent ASTM Meeting in Indianapolis several NAGS Members received awards. ASTM International President’s Award (Awarded to a person who has less than 7 years activity in ASTM and has made major contributions to the committee(s) they are members of.) Selected by the...

2013 NAGS Biennial Meeting Report – by David Suits

NAGS hosted its 2013 Biennial General Meeting during the Geosynthetics 2013 Conference in Long Beach, CA.  The meeting report can be downloaded using the link below.  Meeting highlights included the transition to the newly elected Board Members and an excellent presentation by...

NAGS Member Dr. John S. McCartney Receives 2013 President’s Leadership Award from ASTM

  John S. McCartney, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., has been announced as the recipient of the 2013 President’s Leadership Award from ASTM International. The President’s Leadership Award recognizes individuals early...

IGS Documents & Resources

A wide variety of information is available on the IGS web site many documents are publicly available others are available only to members. In 2012 the IGS Technical Committee on Soil Reinforcement in conjunction with the IGS Website Task Force began an effort to digitize all of...

North American Geosynthetics Society 2012 Year-end Report

The year 2012 has been an active year for NAGS. We have co-hosted, with GMA, a series of regional short courses. We anticipate at least four of these sessions to be held during 2013.   We have participated both with financial support, and attendance at, the Lobby Days organized...

Transportation Research Board’s Book Pre-Order

Rockfall Characterization and Control TRB has will be releasing it’s newest book, Rockfall Characterization and Control, on October 1, 2012. For more information about this book, please read this brochure. You can pre-order your copy today from the Transportation Research...