Welcome to the IGS North America 2019 Photo Contest.
The IGS-NA 2019 Photo Contest is open to all members of IGS North America (formerly known as NAGS). The contest will be open from October 1 – December 15, 2018. All entries should include a photo title, description and photo credit.
Rules and Guidelines of the Photo Contest
1. Photos should clearly display a geosynthetic type/function in use.
2. Photos should provide a clear understanding of what geosynthetic type/function or event is being demonstrated.
3. Contestant must be an IGS-NA member in good standing.
4. Each individual member of IGS-NA may submit up to 5 photographs each.
5. A title, description, and photo credit are required for each photo.
6. The file size should not exceed 4MB per picture.
7. File format must be .jpg
8. Naming convention of the submitted .jpg should match or be similar to your photo title to avoid any confusion.
9. Photos should be sharp, well focused and aesthetically pleasing.
10. “Before and After” photo sets are welcome and count as one entry.
11. Final selection of First, Second, Third and Honorable Mention photos will be made by an independent committee.
12. Winners will be announced at Geosynthetics 2019.
13. The person submitting the photo must be entitled to submit the photo. Contestants in the photo contest agree to allow IGS-NA to hold limited copyright for the photo. By submitting the photo the submitter consents to allowing the IGS-NA to use the photo for the purposes of the IGS-NA including but not limited to educational activities (e.g., Educate the Educators, short courses, webinars, etc.) and chapter promotional activities (e.g., website, booth graphics, promotional flyers, etc.). The IGS-NA agrees to provide photo credit (e.g., Courtesy of: IGS-NA Member Name or Member Name’s Company) whenever a submitted photo is utilized.
Thank you for your participation!
For questions regarding the rules of the photo contest or other non-technical questions please email info@igs-na.org.