Tailings and Mine Waste 2020 went virtual this year and drew a huge crowd to all of the sessions. The IGS-NA chapter is proud to be a supporting organization of this annual event that alternates between Keystone, Colorado, Banff, Alberta Canada and Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. The Geosynthetics session was hosted by IGS-NA board members Kate Patterson and John Allen, who also serve on the conference organizing committee. There were a 190 attendees in the geosynthetics session which featured papers by Anna Norris who is finishing her PhD at Colorado State University where she is investigating GCL permeability with tailings solutions and pregnant copper and gold solutions. Pascal Saunier, PE shared his research on a new drainage geocomposite for dewatering tailings. Dr. Mike Donovan presented his work on lighter and longer geosynthetic clay liners for use in mining applications. While polymers are the backbone of the geosynthetics industry we continue to see new and innovative uses within all of these papers and the incorporation of new polymers. Dr. Raymond Guang shared his work on how to transfer the use of polyacrylamide polymers from dewatering tailings and apply it to dewatering of dredge materials. On behalf of the moderators, organizing committee, and the IGS-North America we would like to thank all of our authors and speakers for contributing to a very successful Tailings and Mine Waste 2020.