The IGS-NA 2017 Election will be held from 3 – 27 January 2017. Ballots will be cast electronically, each member in good standing will receive an electronic ballot to the email address on file with the IGS-NA. Each voting member may cast one vote each forPresident Elect and Treasurer. There are 3 open Vice Presidential seats on the board. Each IGS-NA Member in good standing may cast up to 3 votes for theVice-Presidential seats, the order of selection of up to 3 candidates does not affect the weight of the vote – each vote shall count as one point for the candidate. The 3 candidates with the highest number of votes will be the successful candidates.
If you have any questions about the voting process or any technical issues with the voting system you may contact:
BeckySlaybaugh | 561.768.9487 |
If you have any questions about the nominations please contact Immediate Past President, Robert (Bob) Mackey |