Building Events, Building Community

Geosynthetic experts are part of every major sector of civil engineering, enhancing project value, extending infrastructure service lives, and improving sustainability performance. Learn more and meet these experts at our events.

Opportunities Are Everywhere

Connect with industry professionals, expand your revenue-generating skills, share experience, and forge partnerships. 

GeoSaskatoon 2023

76th Annual Canadian Geotechnical Conference
1–4 October 2023
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
*IGS North America is an organizing partner to the event*

GeoAmericas 2024

5th Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics
28 April–1 May 2024
Toronto, Ontario
GeoAmericas 2024
*IGS North America is organizing and hosting the event. Contact if you would like to be involved in the planning activities. This regional conference takes place every four years.*

13th International Conference on Geosynthetics (13 ICG)

13–17 September 2026
Montreal, Quebec
*IGS North America is organizing and hosting the event for the International Geosynthetics Society. Contact if you would like to be involved in the planning activities. This signature, global conference takes place every four years.*

Other Geotechnical Events of Interest

Join IGS members and leaders at events around the world!

12th International Conference on Geosynthetics (12 ICG)

17–21 September 2023
Rome, Italy
*This signature, global conference from the International Geosynthetics Society takes place every four years.*

IGS North America-Related Events

View some of our images from our latest events, networking sessions and conferences below.

Across the U.S

The North American Geosynthetics Society

IGS North America, formerly known as NAGS (the North American Geosynthetics Society), was established as a Chapter of the IGS (International Geosynthetics Society) in 1988.

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